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Postales a Casa 

Captura de Pantalla 2019-04-27 a la(s) 3

Postales a Casa was born by a joint desire to simply write and share.

In 2014, I was going to study in Paris and my friend Sharon was travelling to Seville. We created this project thinking it would die after 6 months with just some posts about the different countries we were lucky enough to visit. But we were wrong. 

Back in Buenos Aires and after some lethargic months, we decided that we wanted to keep writing about what we felt and the different issues that sprouted our curiosity. Simply because we could and we had already forged a relationship with many readers. We wrote about ourselves, how to tell a friend to go to the therapist (politely), as well as stories about our metropolis adventures. And so much more. 

At the end of 2017 we decided it was time to pursue our own projects; I was about to move to Melbourne and Sharon was already living in Italy. Yet, we know we will write together again, sometime, somewhere. 

Dive in and read more here

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